Jumat, 03 April 2015

Day 1: Garbage Collecting

NIM                     : 1801428554
Name                   : Rizky Andiputra

This is the first day of my project activity. Basically my project is collecting inorganic litters from the streets around Gading Serpong. Me and my partner, Michael Jamestong, had done a little research around Gading Serpong. We have seen a lot of inorganic litters that being thrown on the street. This is the reason why we want to do this project around Gading Serpong. 

For the first day, we decided to take place around Summarecon Digital Centre. We spent around an hour to collect the litters that mainly plastic wrappings and bottles. Besides that, we also found some Styrofoam on that place. 

After an hour doing the activity,  we decided to end the activity for today. We have collected a plastic bag full of litters today. For me, it is a real issue, because we as Indonesian already have the habit to throw the litter on the street. This is a bad habit that we have to stop. 

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